Laphroaig Distillery

Based on 10 reviews


Faruk Y
73 month ago
Organizasyonları çok prof...
Felix S
82 month ago
eine der besten distillerie-führungen auf islay. fand ich.
Rachel S
82 month ago
The Water to Whisky tour was the best thing we did on Islay! You get to see so many things other distilleries don't have like an active malting tour, followed by a hike to the Laphroaig water source!
Rebecca M
82 month ago
The peat-cutting tour--do it! They even supply the wellies.
83 month ago
The basic tour will cost u 10£, will last 1 hour, totally worth it, call to book in advance as there are usually 3 tours per day. They will gift u a wee glass and a wee dram if you are driving.
Felix S
83 month ago
the only distillery that let’s you take pictures anywhere, even in the still house.
Philippe L
84 month ago
Great experience to cut the peat in the morning. Still the only big one malting its barley. Amazing to see and smell. Very nice museum and lounge and great whiskies.
Ben E
94 month ago
Everything one might expect from a scotch distillery. Be sure that you join the "friends of Laphroaig" before you turn up.
Yiling D
97 month ago
Generous pours of various expressions. The whisky and food tasting is fun and educational. Excellent tour that included tastes of peated barley and pre-distilled "beer".
Jeff B
109 month ago
Their tour is one of the best. They still floor malt their own barley, then smoke it in their own kilns before using it to mash & distill their whisky. Pretty wild to look into a kiln while in-use!