Farragut North Metro Station
Metro Station
Based on 10 reviews
Aaron D
79 month ago
There is a major difference in exiting towards L or K, know which way you're heading or you will be going a city block out of your way.
Slightly P
91 month ago
Super quick rides and friendly staff. Trains were clean and on-time.
Gavin G
126 month ago
Stand to the right on the escalators, jerkface!
Elisabeth N
140 month ago
The elevator has been broken for what feels like several months.
Anthony C
142 month ago
The free transfer from Farragut North to Farragut West and vice versa is an absolute game changer. Head out the K Street exit from Farragut North and walk two blocks on the same side of the street!
The Transit Navigator
154 month ago
If you have a SmarTrip card, you can transfer for free to the Blue and Orange lines at Farragut West. Use the exit at the Front SB and Rear NB to save even more time. Doors open on the left.
Mike C
164 month ago
With an entrance from one of the most powerful streets in the modern world, the K St. Metro station at Farragut North is a world-class craphole.
Andrea N
166 month ago
SOOO crowded right around 5pm until 6ish. Sometimes I stay at work just until 7pm to avoid the rush...but the metro goes everywhere! Street performers/musicians usually at the top of the escalators, a
171 month ago
Flowers best across the park about 100 meters at the flower seller in front of Farragut West entrance: good quality and price.
Genevieve M
172 month ago
Almost as many people will get off this stop as metro center next. So dont worry yee tourists or DC rookies, you WILL make it off at your stop during rush hour without acting crazy/being pushy.